Friday, December 25, 2009

2009 what a year

i havent posted anything here in ages.gonna try and work on that this next year.
what a year.. frought with good and very bad things oldest daughter ,Alethea passed away after recovering from a serious traffic accident. she had recovered so well, it took us by surprise when she passed away..the surgery on her heart was a serious one and it seems it didnt of her as a child growing up were taken from me and they havent been returned. this is making me very bitter. these are photographs i took, processed and printed in my very own ex wife jean lost her pictures when she lost her storage.i pray daily that she die a horrible painful death for stealing my pictures.all i wanted was at least copies returned.
2 months after my daughters death, my brother ronnie mansell passed away . we had not seen him in decades, he was very secretive about his whereabouts all those years .later we found out he was paranoid schizophrenic. well we got a call from a hospital telling us he was on life support and not expected to live . a week later he was gone..
thats the bad crap.. heres the good stuff .... i spend a great amount of time in a virtual world called "second life".two years ago i built the first karaoke lounge in that virtual world.. it was the first of its kind in a first of its kind virtual has since become quite popular, and in fact is one of the top internet type karaoke sites in the world. there is an article on the CNN website describing my karaoke lounge "~ O~ LOUNGE". its labeled "of avatars and microphones".

had a hernia surgery last december, and it has returned. thats about it for me .. maybe next time i will write something a bit more entertaining