Friday, December 02, 2005


I am getting a bit tired of the political situation as it is spun on television."cut and run",great sound bite!and then there is :"democrats have no plan"and then the latest trap "the democrats can't seem to capitalize on the republicans' misfortunes(until PROVEN guilty!!!)"these all smell of Karl Rove.
I am just one person,but, thanks to Rosa Parks,i will try to make a difference!These are only the words and opinion of one man,but i intend to send these words to as many people as i can
......................DEMOCRATS PLAN...................
Use the sound bites to your advantage,"The Democrats plan is to CUT________(fill in the blank)(the lies,corruption etc.),and RUN_________ (fill in the blank)(the government better,crooks out of town,etc.)
Make THAT the "DEMOCRATS PLAN".Next time you hear that phrase it will be the "DEMOCRATS PLAN" soundbite.For example: "The Democrats want to just cut and run".The answer can be:"democrats want to CUT corruption and RUN the country better.You only need a couple democrats to get the new "cut and run" soundbite out to the world.....Now the trap, I keep hearing how the democrats are not taking "political advantage"of the republicans'misfortunes.That's a 'no-brainer',their deeds speak for themselves and "taking political advantage"is really only lowering yourself to "dirty politics"......

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