Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fourth of July

In celebration of the Fourth of July there will be many speeches about the young people who "died for their country." But those who gave their lives did not, as they were led to believe, die for their country; they died for their government. The distinction between country and government is at the heart of the Declaration of Independence, which will be referred to again and again on July 4, but without attention to its meaning.

The Declaration of Independence is the fundamental document of democracy. It says governments are artificial creations, established by the people, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," and charged by the people to ensure the equal right of all to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Furthermore, as the Declaration says, "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." It is the country that is primary--the people, the ideals of the sanctity of human life and the promotion of liberty.

Today, U.S. soldiers who are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan are not dying for their country; they are dying for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld. They are dying for the greed of the oil cartels, for the expansion of the American empire, for the political ambitions of the president. They are dying to cover up the theft of the nation's wealth to pay for the machines of death. As of July 4, 2006, more than 2,500 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq, more than 8,500 maimed or injured. With the war in Iraq long declared a "Mission Accomplished," shall we revel in American military power and insist that the American empire will be beneficent?

This Independence Day I will be flying my flag upside down.My country is in distress,I am distressed,and because of that it will fly in the position our president has taken us.Upside down.

Hey,RUBBERSTAMPLICANS, Superman is just a movie,and he is an alien not an American.So the motto TRUTH,JUSTICE and the AMERICAN WAY doesn't apply,for so many reasons.LIES,INJUSTICE and HYPOCRISY seems to be the order of the day.Who would want to stand for that?


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Mansfell, THANK you for having the courage to fly the disgraced flag upside down, I do not own a flag or would have also. Keep it up, there are many on your side. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Mansfell, THANK you for having the courage to fly the disgraced flag upside down, I do not own a flag or would have also. Keep it up, there are many on your side. Bless you.