If you are a Republican Coal Miner with Black Lung Disease who voted for Trump, here is some news for you:
..1) Trump ain't bringing back your coal mining job.
..2) If Republicans repeal Obamacare, good luck finding affordable health insurance with your Pre-existing health condition
..3) You're gonna die much sooner than you would with Obamacare, and you deserve to die for believing Trump cares about you or your health.
On a side note, you won't be around to have more children who will be raised to believe like you do..
Call it poetic justice or natural selection evolution, either way you'll be dead and the 21st century will march on without you.
The 21st century will be renewable energy with windmills and solar panels & China will be the one selling those products.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Trump voters explained
I had an epiphany today
....It was in my face the whole time but I didn't see it for what it was.
During the Presidential campaign, there was mention that mainly college educated people were supportive of Hillary, and mainly uneducated people were supporting Trump.
...All this time when they said, uneducated i thought they meant non college educated, until I caught myself saying "those uneducated Trump voters sure are stupid".
...It was then I realized they were just being politically correct by identifying Trump voters as uneducated, when they really meant stupid.
...I always wondered why people would vote against their own interests and I even assumed the primary reason was a type of religious,racial or social bigotry. Now I realize they are just plain stupid, even those who have been college educated..
...It was there the whole time; the misspelled protest signs, the blind belief of Trumps promises(lies), the disbelief that the Benghazi hearings, and email investigations were nothing more than a smear tactic.
...Stupid explains it all.
...Stupid,ignorant,lamebrains,nitwits,dummies,dense,halfwits,mindless,moronic,doltish,senseless,simple,shortsighted,dim,naive,out to lunch,thickheaded,brainless,thick,imbecilic,foolish,gullible,simpleminded..just to name a few adjectives...
....It was in my face the whole time but I didn't see it for what it was.
During the Presidential campaign, there was mention that mainly college educated people were supportive of Hillary, and mainly uneducated people were supporting Trump.
...All this time when they said, uneducated i thought they meant non college educated, until I caught myself saying "those uneducated Trump voters sure are stupid".
...It was then I realized they were just being politically correct by identifying Trump voters as uneducated, when they really meant stupid.
...I always wondered why people would vote against their own interests and I even assumed the primary reason was a type of religious,racial or social bigotry. Now I realize they are just plain stupid, even those who have been college educated..
...It was there the whole time; the misspelled protest signs, the blind belief of Trumps promises(lies), the disbelief that the Benghazi hearings, and email investigations were nothing more than a smear tactic.
...Stupid explains it all.
...Stupid,ignorant,lamebrains,nitwits,dummies,dense,halfwits,mindless,moronic,doltish,senseless,simple,shortsighted,dim,naive,out to lunch,thickheaded,brainless,thick,imbecilic,foolish,gullible,simpleminded..just to name a few adjectives...
Monday, November 28, 2016
Trump will die in office
We can see how stressful the job of President of the United states is by looking at the white/grey hairs they get while in office. Trump has lived a life of leisure and privilege for his entire life and his heart won't be able to handle the stress. I predict he will have a massive heart attack or a stroke while he is in office.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Racists voted for Trump
Feel free to copy/paste this on your right wing buddies pages. I could have been
politically correct with my words but they abhor "politically correct" and admire
people who "tell it like it is" so here it is..
You should have known that Trump was all those things that were being said of him
when you voted for him.....
I have to stop right there because you DID know..You absolutely knew.
The Alt-Right knew,the White Supremacists knew, the KKK knew, and the Neo-Nazis
knew. Even stupid people who clearly can't spell knew and YOU ALSO KNEW. You
didn't vote for him because you thought he was going to make America great again, you voted
for him because you thought he was going to rid America of brown people: Muslims &
Hispanics and lock up scary Black Men.
I could say "you aren't a racist but you voted for one", but i don't believe
that. I believe you ARE somewhat racist and Trump convinced you he was gonna make
America white again. You voted against your own interests because your only interest was to make
America white again. Well buckle up cupcake because the demographics are changing,
and soon there will be more dark skinned people in this country than white ones.
Your best hope is to pray you aren't treated the same way you expect brown people
to be treated; with calloused indifference.(you won't be treated badly, except in your fear and hate filled world) Hint: prayers haven't cured cancer yet so buckle up..
When they post things like: more blacks are killed by black men, point out that
more whites are killed by white men.
When they post about that one guy who was deported multiple times and killed a
white girl remind them that more white toddlers kill with guns than illegal
immigrants do.
politically correct with my words but they abhor "politically correct" and admire
people who "tell it like it is" so here it is..
You should have known that Trump was all those things that were being said of him
when you voted for him.....
I have to stop right there because you DID know..You absolutely knew.
The Alt-Right knew,the White Supremacists knew, the KKK knew, and the Neo-Nazis
knew. Even stupid people who clearly can't spell knew and YOU ALSO KNEW. You
didn't vote for him because you thought he was going to make America great again, you voted
for him because you thought he was going to rid America of brown people: Muslims &
Hispanics and lock up scary Black Men.
I could say "you aren't a racist but you voted for one", but i don't believe
that. I believe you ARE somewhat racist and Trump convinced you he was gonna make
America white again. You voted against your own interests because your only interest was to make
America white again. Well buckle up cupcake because the demographics are changing,
and soon there will be more dark skinned people in this country than white ones.
Your best hope is to pray you aren't treated the same way you expect brown people
to be treated; with calloused indifference.(you won't be treated badly, except in your fear and hate filled world) Hint: prayers haven't cured cancer yet so buckle up..
When they post things like: more blacks are killed by black men, point out that
more whites are killed by white men.
When they post about that one guy who was deported multiple times and killed a
white girl remind them that more white toddlers kill with guns than illegal
immigrants do.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Make America Great...NEWS FLASH
Bad news flash for people who voted for Trump and who live in Republican controlled states:
~~ America will not be "white" again ~~
~~ The "wall" won't be built ~~
~~ Giving tax breaks to corporations and billionaires won't help you one bit ~~
~~ Muslims won't be banned from entering our country ~~
~~ China will lead the world in the manufacturing of windmills and solar panels ~~
~~ America will not be "white" again ~~
~~ The "wall" won't be built ~~
~~ Giving tax breaks to corporations and billionaires won't help you one bit ~~
~~ Muslims won't be banned from entering our country ~~
~~ China will lead the world in the manufacturing of windmills and solar panels ~~
Saturday, November 05, 2016
Top Secret email from Hillary to Obama
They'll never find the email they are looking for ... I actually hacked it years ago (Aug 2012) and erased it from her server..
This is a copy of a secret email I hacked that Trey Gowdy was looking for.
*****TOP SECRET*****
Obama: Hillary, did you see the report by ambassador Stevens in Libya?
Hillary: Why yes I did, what difference does it make now?
Obama: What are you going to do about it? We have 3 weeks to figure something out don't we?
Hillary: I'm not gonna do anything but command all our soldiers to stand down and watch a video on Youtube.
Obama: This could mean trouble for me getting re-elected in 2012.. Should I send a drone to shut him up?
He's always crying about his life being in danger.
Hillary: No don't send a drone, I'd kill him myself if i could sneak over there and back.
We'll just let the terrorists kill him.
Obama: I'll make sure all the security agencies and ALL the media don't say a word about it.
We'll need a good liar to tell the Sunday talk shows tho. Who is our best liar?
Hillary: We can get Susan Rice to lie for us.
Obama: Great idea. but aren't you worried about running for president IN 2016 if this scandal hits ?
Hillary: No i'm not because I'm an evil bitch, and besides, what difference does it make now ?
This is a copy of a secret email I hacked that Trey Gowdy was looking for.
*****TOP SECRET*****
Obama: Hillary, did you see the report by ambassador Stevens in Libya?
Hillary: Why yes I did, what difference does it make now?
Obama: What are you going to do about it? We have 3 weeks to figure something out don't we?
Hillary: I'm not gonna do anything but command all our soldiers to stand down and watch a video on Youtube.
Obama: This could mean trouble for me getting re-elected in 2012.. Should I send a drone to shut him up?
He's always crying about his life being in danger.
Hillary: No don't send a drone, I'd kill him myself if i could sneak over there and back.
We'll just let the terrorists kill him.
Obama: I'll make sure all the security agencies and ALL the media don't say a word about it.
We'll need a good liar to tell the Sunday talk shows tho. Who is our best liar?
Hillary: We can get Susan Rice to lie for us.
Obama: Great idea. but aren't you worried about running for president IN 2016 if this scandal hits ?
Hillary: No i'm not because I'm an evil bitch, and besides, what difference does it make now ?
Thursday, October 20, 2016
You knew. You all knew. You knew the whole time.
You knew. You all knew. You knew the whole time who and what Donald Trump is.
Mike Pence. Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell. Ted Cruz. Chris Christie. Newt Gingrich. Orrin Hatch. John McCain. Marco Rubio. Virtually all of you.
ou Knew Who Trump Was When You Endorsed Him, Republican Leaders
You will never live down what you’ve done.
You heard every terrible thing he said. You watched every inexcusable thing he did. You knew Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian con man. You knew about his insatiable appetite for power, his bottomless need for affirmation, his dangerous impulsiveness and uncontrollable temper. You knew he was a huckster who ruined businesses and lives. You knew he debased your party, and you personally. You knew.
You knew he waged a racist campaign against the president’s legitimacy. You knew he called immigrants rapists. You knew he advocated forbidding Muslims from American soil. You knew he said a federal judge wasn’t qualified because Mexican blood flowed through his veins. You knew he besmirched the parents of a dead soldier. You knew he mocked prisoners of war. You knew he courted white supremacists. You knew he admires dictators. You knew he incited violence. You knew he lies ? blatantly, shamelessly, ceaselessly.
You knew all of that, and you asked Americans to elect him president anyway. Shame on you. You knew.
Your condemnations are and have always been empty. Your sudden rush to abandon Trump ? after what’s merely the most recently uncovered manifestation of his hatred for women ? is motivated by the same venal cowardice that led you to support him in the first place.
You knew Hillary Clinton isn’t the monstrous caricature you spent decades depicting. You knew she is ? like each and every one of you ? an ordinary politician, in all the ways that word has positive and negative connotations. You knew she would govern in a perfectly normal way.
You knew this, but you told voters she was more dangerous than Trump. More evil. A greater threat to the republic. And this, after so many of you spent the presidential primary campaign warning the U.S. that Trump is exactly who he appears to be. But you fell in line. You knew, and you endorsed him anyway.
You did all of this in service of ideology. You did this because you believe Trump will enact the policies you favor to allow businesses to pump more pollution into our air and water, to take away food and medicine from the neediest among us, to disenfranchise minority voters, to slash taxes for the rich.
Your voters elevated Trump nearly to the White House, and he may yet make it there, in spite of everything. They did so because you have primed them for Trump for more than half a century. Half a century of barely concealed appeals to racism, of fomenting fear and hatred and coaxing the worst instincts out of enough voters to gain power. Years of nurturing ? on AM radio and cable TV and the internet ? a propaganda machine that encourages ignorance, mistrust and anger.
You have lost control of the golem you created.
You made promises you knew you couldn’t keep, and your voters finally lost faith in you. Now, they’re turning on you.
They follow a man who doesn’t even share your beliefs. You’re learning just how little those voters cared about conservatism and how very much they cared about stomping their boots on the throats of people who don’t look like them or love like them or think like them. You made this possible by making villains out of African-Americans, Latinos, LGBTQ people, the poor.
When this is all over, you may win your own re-elections. You may retain control of Congress and of governors mansions, state legislatures, county councils and school boards all across the nation. You may sigh in relief that you survived. You may even ? and not terribly long from now ? regain the presidency and resume carrying out your agenda. Your own careers may be successful.
But history will condemn you. History won’t forget your callowness. Because you knew...Jeffrey Young
Mike Pence. Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell. Ted Cruz. Chris Christie. Newt Gingrich. Orrin Hatch. John McCain. Marco Rubio. Virtually all of you.
ou Knew Who Trump Was When You Endorsed Him, Republican Leaders
You will never live down what you’ve done.
You heard every terrible thing he said. You watched every inexcusable thing he did. You knew Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian con man. You knew about his insatiable appetite for power, his bottomless need for affirmation, his dangerous impulsiveness and uncontrollable temper. You knew he was a huckster who ruined businesses and lives. You knew he debased your party, and you personally. You knew.
You knew he waged a racist campaign against the president’s legitimacy. You knew he called immigrants rapists. You knew he advocated forbidding Muslims from American soil. You knew he said a federal judge wasn’t qualified because Mexican blood flowed through his veins. You knew he besmirched the parents of a dead soldier. You knew he mocked prisoners of war. You knew he courted white supremacists. You knew he admires dictators. You knew he incited violence. You knew he lies ? blatantly, shamelessly, ceaselessly.
You knew all of that, and you asked Americans to elect him president anyway. Shame on you. You knew.
Your condemnations are and have always been empty. Your sudden rush to abandon Trump ? after what’s merely the most recently uncovered manifestation of his hatred for women ? is motivated by the same venal cowardice that led you to support him in the first place.
You knew Hillary Clinton isn’t the monstrous caricature you spent decades depicting. You knew she is ? like each and every one of you ? an ordinary politician, in all the ways that word has positive and negative connotations. You knew she would govern in a perfectly normal way.
You knew this, but you told voters she was more dangerous than Trump. More evil. A greater threat to the republic. And this, after so many of you spent the presidential primary campaign warning the U.S. that Trump is exactly who he appears to be. But you fell in line. You knew, and you endorsed him anyway.
You did all of this in service of ideology. You did this because you believe Trump will enact the policies you favor to allow businesses to pump more pollution into our air and water, to take away food and medicine from the neediest among us, to disenfranchise minority voters, to slash taxes for the rich.
Your voters elevated Trump nearly to the White House, and he may yet make it there, in spite of everything. They did so because you have primed them for Trump for more than half a century. Half a century of barely concealed appeals to racism, of fomenting fear and hatred and coaxing the worst instincts out of enough voters to gain power. Years of nurturing ? on AM radio and cable TV and the internet ? a propaganda machine that encourages ignorance, mistrust and anger.
You have lost control of the golem you created.
You made promises you knew you couldn’t keep, and your voters finally lost faith in you. Now, they’re turning on you.
They follow a man who doesn’t even share your beliefs. You’re learning just how little those voters cared about conservatism and how very much they cared about stomping their boots on the throats of people who don’t look like them or love like them or think like them. You made this possible by making villains out of African-Americans, Latinos, LGBTQ people, the poor.
When this is all over, you may win your own re-elections. You may retain control of Congress and of governors mansions, state legislatures, county councils and school boards all across the nation. You may sigh in relief that you survived. You may even ? and not terribly long from now ? regain the presidency and resume carrying out your agenda. Your own careers may be successful.
But history will condemn you. History won’t forget your callowness. Because you knew...Jeffrey Young
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Let me explain... I decided to put my mindset into that of a Conservative Christian Republican Trump supporter Fox News fan and walk to the cigarette store.In order to prepare myself before I left, I went to Fox.com,Brietbart.com,and Tony Perkins' Family Research Council (frc.org) websites to fill up on fear and hate.I then became a "Deplorable".
Normally a 7 minute walk, it took me 20 minutes as I was praying with each step to the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ,Lord of all Lords,king of all kings,etc and judging people (mostly women)..I walked and repeated as I prayed "I want my country back,I want my country back"..Which one of these whores had an abortion I wondered, which ones were gay,who was cheating on their spouses,where did all these illegal immigrants come from,and who are all the moochers on welfare, etc...
When I finally arrived at the cigarette store and entered, I noticed no one was in there..Where is the sales clerk I wondered, is he in the back room being robbed? It was then I was wishing I had brought a gun with me, in case I needed to be that good guy with a gun or to be able to "stand my ground".
It was at that moment a brown skinned muslim looking arab with a beard stepped out of the back room and walked to the counter. He was looking at me and smiling.Why is he smiling at me I thought,is he gay, is going to kill me , was he back there making a bomb, was he praying to Allah? I thought I was gonna die at the hands of a gay islamic terrrorist that day and hoping I had clean underwear on in case I lived and was taken to the hospital.
I wanted to say "Keep your hands where i can see them you fucking terrorist"."Give me some cigarettes and go back to Syria" i was going to say, but then i snapped out of it. Instead I said in a politically correct tone,"a pack of camel 99's please". I made my purchase and as I was leaving he said "thank you,have a nice day".
My walk back home only took 7 minutes and i found myself smiling at the people I passed on the street and not caring a bit about what anyone else was up to in those cars passing by..For about 30 seconds yesterday I thought I was going to be killed by a gay Islamic Terrorist. Sure glad it was a temporary mindset or I would have ended up with an ulcer..I won't be doing that experiment again..
Normally a 7 minute walk, it took me 20 minutes as I was praying with each step to the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ,Lord of all Lords,king of all kings,etc and judging people (mostly women)..I walked and repeated as I prayed "I want my country back,I want my country back"..Which one of these whores had an abortion I wondered, which ones were gay,who was cheating on their spouses,where did all these illegal immigrants come from,and who are all the moochers on welfare, etc...
When I finally arrived at the cigarette store and entered, I noticed no one was in there..Where is the sales clerk I wondered, is he in the back room being robbed? It was then I was wishing I had brought a gun with me, in case I needed to be that good guy with a gun or to be able to "stand my ground".
It was at that moment a brown skinned muslim looking arab with a beard stepped out of the back room and walked to the counter. He was looking at me and smiling.Why is he smiling at me I thought,is he gay, is going to kill me , was he back there making a bomb, was he praying to Allah? I thought I was gonna die at the hands of a gay islamic terrrorist that day and hoping I had clean underwear on in case I lived and was taken to the hospital.
I wanted to say "Keep your hands where i can see them you fucking terrorist"."Give me some cigarettes and go back to Syria" i was going to say, but then i snapped out of it. Instead I said in a politically correct tone,"a pack of camel 99's please". I made my purchase and as I was leaving he said "thank you,have a nice day".
My walk back home only took 7 minutes and i found myself smiling at the people I passed on the street and not caring a bit about what anyone else was up to in those cars passing by..For about 30 seconds yesterday I thought I was going to be killed by a gay Islamic Terrorist. Sure glad it was a temporary mindset or I would have ended up with an ulcer..I won't be doing that experiment again..
Thursday, June 23, 2016
gun control regulation vs. due process
Yes the Democrats are staging a publicity stunt by having their sit in.
the Republican's opposition to stopping people on a terror watch list or no fly list from buying weapons is that citizens constitutional rights are being violated.They claim citizens can be refused the ability to buy a gun without a court order or due process and that's their reason for opposing gun sale restrictions..
here's the trouble with that logic:
1) The Patriot Act allows the government to detain you at Guantanamo WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
2)You can be put on a terror list or no fly list WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
3)American citizens can be bombed by a drone in foreign countries WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
I have to ask myself; why are they only concerned about "DUE PROCESS" when it comes to guns?
The majority of citizens, including the majority of NRA members and the majority of Republican voters want sensible gun regulations.Why are they opposing it?
Of course I have my theory why they oppose any gun regulations: That's because they fear losing NRA donations and they fear the NRA convincing people to not vote for them. They need to learn to fear the voters who will vote them out for not doing their jobs for citizen's wishes instead of the NRA's wishes.
Yes the Democrats are staging a publicity stunt in order to make people aware.What else can they do when the Republican congress adjourned the session , cut the cameras and blocked reporters from attending thinking we would not know what was at stake..They forgot about periscope and c-span rebroadcasting periscope.
No one is coming to take away your guns and no one is wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment and it's a sad commentary on the level of ignorance for those who believe they are.
the Republican's opposition to stopping people on a terror watch list or no fly list from buying weapons is that citizens constitutional rights are being violated.They claim citizens can be refused the ability to buy a gun without a court order or due process and that's their reason for opposing gun sale restrictions..
here's the trouble with that logic:
1) The Patriot Act allows the government to detain you at Guantanamo WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
2)You can be put on a terror list or no fly list WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
3)American citizens can be bombed by a drone in foreign countries WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
I have to ask myself; why are they only concerned about "DUE PROCESS" when it comes to guns?
The majority of citizens, including the majority of NRA members and the majority of Republican voters want sensible gun regulations.Why are they opposing it?
Of course I have my theory why they oppose any gun regulations: That's because they fear losing NRA donations and they fear the NRA convincing people to not vote for them. They need to learn to fear the voters who will vote them out for not doing their jobs for citizen's wishes instead of the NRA's wishes.
Yes the Democrats are staging a publicity stunt in order to make people aware.What else can they do when the Republican congress adjourned the session , cut the cameras and blocked reporters from attending thinking we would not know what was at stake..They forgot about periscope and c-span rebroadcasting periscope.
No one is coming to take away your guns and no one is wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment and it's a sad commentary on the level of ignorance for those who believe they are.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Trump VP prediction
Trump needs something to be able to beat Hillary. My prediction is he will select Representative Darrell Issa as his running mate. That way he can get more Hillary hating simpletons voting for him.
Friday, March 04, 2016
Political Scandal Predictions
Having not heard anything lately about Benghazi, after it was shown to be a political smear campaign, i have a prediction....
After Bernie Sanders drops out of the presidential race and Hillary is the candidate there will be a "new" scandal involving Hillary with Benghazi or her Emails. This will happen after he drops out and most likely in late summer(Aug. or Sept.)....
They will use innuendos and inferences to twist the story so that the less educated will bite and vote according to the lies.Remember the heavily edited videos about family planning selling baby parts? That type of rhetoric works,just look at the laws being passed based on that fake video even though all investigations proved otherwise....
IF Bernie wins the nomination, we'll be hearing socialism scare stories. Only less educated people will believe that our country, based in democracy, with our constitution and being a capitalistic society will become a socialist country....[this one isn't a prediction, it's more like an inevitability IF Bernie is the nominee]
After Bernie Sanders drops out of the presidential race and Hillary is the candidate there will be a "new" scandal involving Hillary with Benghazi or her Emails. This will happen after he drops out and most likely in late summer(Aug. or Sept.)....
They will use innuendos and inferences to twist the story so that the less educated will bite and vote according to the lies.Remember the heavily edited videos about family planning selling baby parts? That type of rhetoric works,just look at the laws being passed based on that fake video even though all investigations proved otherwise....
IF Bernie wins the nomination, we'll be hearing socialism scare stories. Only less educated people will believe that our country, based in democracy, with our constitution and being a capitalistic society will become a socialist country....[this one isn't a prediction, it's more like an inevitability IF Bernie is the nominee]
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