Thursday, June 23, 2016

gun control regulation vs. due process

   Yes the Democrats are staging a publicity stunt by having their sit in.
the Republican's opposition to stopping people on a terror watch list or no fly list from buying weapons is that citizens constitutional rights are being violated.They claim citizens can be refused the ability to buy a gun without a court order or due process and that's their reason for opposing gun sale restrictions..
  here's the trouble with that logic:
1) The Patriot Act allows the government to detain you at Guantanamo WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
2)You can be put on a terror list or no fly list WITHOUT DUE PROCESS
3)American citizens can be bombed by a drone in foreign countries WITHOUT DUE PROCESS

 I have to ask myself; why are they only concerned about "DUE PROCESS" when it comes to guns?
    The majority of citizens, including the majority of NRA members and the majority of Republican voters want sensible gun regulations.Why are they opposing it?
    Of course I have my theory why they oppose any gun regulations: That's because they fear losing NRA donations and they fear the NRA convincing people to not vote for them. They need to learn to fear the voters who will vote them out for not doing their jobs for citizen's wishes instead of the NRA's wishes.
    Yes the Democrats are staging a publicity stunt in order to make people aware.What else can they do when the Republican congress adjourned the session , cut the cameras and blocked reporters from attending thinking we would not know what was at stake..They forgot about periscope  and c-span rebroadcasting periscope.
    No one is coming to take away your guns and no one is wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment and it's a sad commentary on the level of ignorance for those who believe they are.

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